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by ADAM CHAU via Gazillion Voices I think in many ways it’s important to understand my frame of reference when thinking about Miss Saigon. I’m a Vietnamese American adopted out of South Vietnam in 1973. I’m a person of color, transracial adoptee, Vietnamese adoptee, Asian…

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Three strikes and you’re OUT!

by SANDY AGUSTIN Three strikes and you’re OUT! I have protested this show three times now, and am exhausted and sick that it has come back to our Twin Cities. In the 90’s, we worked hard to “educate” and dialogue with the Ordway. The administration…

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Commentary: Ordway’s ‘Miss Saigon’ is a disservice to donors, funders and community

by ADAM CHAU via MPR and Marianne Combs I’m a Vietnamese-American, adopted out of South Vietnam in 1973. I have called the Twin Cities my home for the last 20 years. I am part of a community of color being told, in effect, that it…

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Skip “Miss Saigon,” see Mu Performing Arts’ “Kung Fu Zombies vs. Cannibals”

by AMINA HARPER via TC Daily Planet October 04, 2013 Photo by Aaron Fenster, courtesy Mu Performing Arts I don’t know a lot about theater. I worked for a small local theater company in 2010 and I volunteered backstage in my high school’s theater program…

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Ordway Center’s Miss Saigon: The show must go on

by TIFFANY VANG via TC Daily Planet September 24, 2013 On September 22, 2013, the Ordway Center hosted a Cultural Conversation about their up and coming musical Miss Saigon, which is about a young vietnamese prostitute falling love with an America G.I. during the Vietnam…

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Exotic lotus flower: the role of the Asian woman in European drama

by MARIANNE COMBS via MPR September 9, 2013 When Mu Performing Arts convenes a discussion tonight about Ordway’s production of Miss Saigon, the focus will undoubtedly be on how Asian women continue to be portrayed in American and European musical theater as deferential objects of desire. That narrative…

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We should all boycott the Ordway’s revival of racist musical “Miss Saigon”

by Sheila Regan via TC Daily Planet September 07, 2013 Photo courtesy Ordway Center for the Performing Arts   My fellow arts writers, theater reviewers, and bloggers, I’m writing because I think we should all agree not to review Miss Saigon when it comes to the Ordway….

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Twin Cities is home to long legacy of protest of ‘Miss Saigon’

by MARIANNE COMBS via MPR  September 6, 2013 For people like Juliana Hu Pegues, a postdoctoral fellow at Macalester College, the return of “Miss Saigon” to the Ordway this fall is both frustrating and exhausting. “Frankly, I’m outraged!” she says, sitting in her office in Macalester’s humanities building…

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The Problem(s) With Miss Saigon (or, how many stereotypes can you cram into one Broadway musical)

Prostitution is not a love story. But by focusing on this love story, Miss Saigon ignores or slights the dehumanization and exploitation of prostitution and instead tries to romanticize human trafficking. The musical ignores or slights the fact that this prostitution existed as a result of the U.S. military presence in Vietnam.

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